i am not sure about you but i have had one of those weeks that i am not going to miss when it is over. i can so tell that God allows some of these trials in our life to train us and strengthen us, and when all is said and done i am thankful that He loves us that much.
i am excited about some things coming up in the student ministry here but even more excited about what God is doing here at Fusion Student Ministry. Here are a few things that i want each student here to know:
1) keep going. If god has been doing something in your life or been pushing you in a certain direction: GO! always listen to His voice and never fear that He will lead you in a wrong path.
2) keep coming. We have had some incredible Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights here in the last several months, be apart of that. God is showing up and speaking loud and clear. i was amazed last wednesday as we worshipped God after the message last week, it was powerful and i needed it.
3) keep up. We have some awesome things coming up in the summer and i want everyone to stay connected with the church so keep up. you do not want to miss camp this year, both middle school and high school. I say this every year and it is still true, MONEY IS NOT A REASON TO MISS CAMP. we will find a way but it takes you making the effort to come talk to us and let us know that you want to go. DONT MISS IT.
I love you guys so much and we are praying for you and can t wait to see you tomorrow night. we are continuing our MAKE WAR series and it is going to be good. See ya!!!
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