Last night as Fusion I preached a message that I believe was one of the most important messages for our student ministry. We talked about John 8:1-12 - the story of the woman at the well.
We ended with two questions: Are you kneeling? or Do you have rocks in your hands? The picture of a woman enslaved in sin thrown to the ground and a Pharisees and scribes standing tall ready to cast judgment is what we had in mind. Either I kneel next to those that are hurting, suffering, lonely, and afraid in this world or I stand opposed to them with rocks in my hands.
In the midst of spreaking that message, God taught me 3 things.
1- I love these students. I am so committed to being a voice for these students that living a life for Jesus Christ is the best decision they could make and will enable them to bypass so much junk in this world. I love the opportunity to hang out with them each week and see them in their schools and hear about all they are doing. I realized as I spoke that I am really passionate about this and it is because of my love for them.
2 - This generation is being attacked. This generation is being pulled in so many different directions and we are hopeless to do anything about it unless we are praying for and moving in step with God. This culture that they are surrounded in is selfish and the only way to step out of that is to die to self and live in Christ.
3 - It has to be more than sitting and listening. Church is important and God has blessed the process of proclaiming the Word boldly. But this generation needs to see it and be lead by the hand into the truths of Scripture. I pray for every parent of these students to be filled with courage and faith to do the difficult thing and do what needs to be done.
I love these students and I believe that God is going to do an incredible thing in this student ministry as we see students deny themselves and their own desires and begin to care more about what God thinks about them than what others think about them.
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