Friday, March 9, 2012

A Question for Each Day

One thing that I have learned about my self as parent is that I want my children to grow. I want them to be learning new things and new ways to do things for themselves that they once had to rely on me to do for them. I love seeing my children trying and being determined about something, whatever that something is. I know the specific things that my kids are learning to do and I love seeing them work at it. My middle child is learning to tie her shoes and she is so excited for the day that she finally has it down.

I really believe that the same is true as we are children of God. There are things that we are learning and I think it pleases God to see us working at it and staying determined. But the question is "What is it?"

What is that thing that God has you working on? What is the specific thing that God is allowing you to struggle through a little so that you can come out on the other side stronger.

Of course the goal is not independence from God but as a believer He desires you to be strong, bold, confident, etc...

Can you answer that question: What is the specific thing God is working on in your life? I promise you that if you can answer that you will free yourself from a lot of frustration.

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